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Epidemiology and Outcomes

Showing results 61 - 70 of 100

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Impact of glucocorticoids on the incidence of lupus-related major organ damage: a systematic literature review and meta-regression analysis of longitudinal observational studies
Manuel Francisco Ugarte-Gil, Anselm Mak, Joanna Leong, Bhushan Dharmadhikari, Nien Yee Kow, Cristina Reátegui-Sokolova, Claudia Elera-Fitzcarrald, Cinthia Aranow, Laurent Arnaud, Anca D Askanase, Sang-Cheol Bae, Sasha Bernatsky, Ian N Bruce, Jill Buyon, Nathalie Costedoat-ChalumeauSee the full list of authors

20 December 2021